Ben jij een sjoelbakfanaat? Kent jouw liefde voor dit spel geen grenzen? Dan sla je op deze website jouw slag. Want speciaal voor jou licht ik de spelregels toe en blik ik terug op de fascinerende geschiedenis van sjoelbakken!
Prille sjoelbeginners én gevorderden: beiden weten ze dat het spel wordt gespeeld met houten schijfjes op een even houten sjoelbak. Wie het zich niet kan voorstellen: visualiseer een lange houten dikke plank. Aan weerszijden staan er een soort houten ‘muurtjes’. Het einde van de sjoelbak bestaat uit vier poorten. Het is dan de bedoeling om de bovenvermelde schijven door de sjoelbak te schuiven. Je kan het met meerdere mensen spelen en het is een échte sfeermaker. Wanneer je tijdens je eerste beurt er niet in slaagt om alle schijven in de poorten te mikken, krijg je een tweede kans. En vervolgens een derde. Pas daarna worden de punten geteld. Een schijf mag pas geteld worden van zodra hij de ingang van de poort heeft gepasseerd.
Soms gebeurt het dat een schijfje deels of volledig op een andere ligt in de sjoelbak. Echte sjoelers weten dat dit een ‘bok’ wordt genoemd. En bokken mogen nooit tijdens een tweede of derde beurt geworpen worden.
Query | Affected | Num. rows | Took (ms) | Actions |
SELECT `Store`.`id`, `Store`.`name`, `Store`.`branding`, `Store`.`defaultlocale`, `Store`.`theme_admin`, `Store`.`theme`, `Store`.`phone`, `Store`.`url`, `Store`.`email`, `Store`.`active`, `Store`.`index`, `Store`.`maintenance_mode`, `Store`.`base`, `Store`.`use_menu_builder`, `Store`.`age_confirm`, `Store`.`hours_popup`, `Store`.`is_wholesale`, `Store`.`disable_checkout`, `Store`.`enable_stores`, (`I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepagetitle_nld`, (`I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepagedescription_nld`, (`I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepage_footer_nld`, (`I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepage_content_nld`, (`I18n__header_points__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_header_points_nld`, (`I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_footer_blocks_nld`, (`I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_sidebar_content_nld`, (`I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_disable_checkout_msg_nld` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`stores` AS `Store` LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepagetitle__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`field` = 'homepagetitle' AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepagedescription__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`field` = 'homepagedescription' AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepage_footer__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`field` = 'homepage_footer' AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepage_content__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`field` = 'homepage_content' AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__header_points__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__header_points__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`field` = 'header_points' AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__footer_blocks__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`field` = 'footer_blocks' AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__sidebar_content__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`field` = 'sidebar_content' AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`field` = 'disable_checkout_msg' AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `url` = '' LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `StoreSetting`.`id`, `StoreSetting`.`key`, `StoreSetting`.`value`, `StoreSetting`.`type`, `StoreSetting`.`store_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`store_settings` AS `StoreSetting` WHERE `StoreSetting`.`store_id` = (13) | 14 | 14 | 0 | |
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SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2024-09-13' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
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SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2024-09-14' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Hour`.`id`, `Hour`.`weekday`, `Hour`.`start`, `Hour`.`end`, `Hour`.`closed` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hours` AS `Hour` WHERE `weekday` = 6 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2024-09-14' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Hour`.`id`, `Hour`.`weekday`, `Hour`.`start`, `Hour`.`end`, `Hour`.`closed` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hours` AS `Hour` WHERE `weekday` = 6 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `HourException`.`id`, `HourException`.`date`, `HourException`.`start`, `HourException`.`end`, `HourException`.`closed`, `HourException`.`store_location_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hour_exceptions` AS `HourException` WHERE `date` = '2024-09-14' LIMIT 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SELECT `Hour`.`id`, `Hour`.`weekday`, `Hour`.`start`, `Hour`.`end`, `Hour`.`closed` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`hours` AS `Hour` WHERE `weekday` = 6 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `Store`.`id`, `Store`.`name`, `Store`.`branding`, `Store`.`defaultlocale`, `Store`.`theme_admin`, `Store`.`theme`, `Store`.`phone`, `Store`.`url`, `Store`.`email`, `Store`.`active`, `Store`.`index`, `Store`.`maintenance_mode`, `Store`.`base`, `Store`.`use_menu_builder`, `Store`.`age_confirm`, `Store`.`hours_popup`, `Store`.`is_wholesale`, `Store`.`disable_checkout`, `Store`.`enable_stores`, (`I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepagetitle_nld`, (`I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepagedescription_nld`, (`I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepage_footer_nld`, (`I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_homepage_content_nld`, (`I18n__header_points__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_header_points_nld`, (`I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_footer_blocks_nld`, (`I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_sidebar_content_nld`, (`I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`content`) AS `Store__i18n_disable_checkout_msg_nld` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`stores` AS `Store` LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepagetitle__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`field` = 'homepagetitle' AND `I18n__homepagetitle__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepagedescription__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`field` = 'homepagedescription' AND `I18n__homepagedescription__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepage_footer__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`field` = 'homepage_footer' AND `I18n__homepage_footer__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__homepage_content__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`field` = 'homepage_content' AND `I18n__homepage_content__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__header_points__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__header_points__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`field` = 'header_points' AND `I18n__header_points__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__footer_blocks__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`field` = 'footer_blocks' AND `I18n__footer_blocks__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__sidebar_content__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`field` = 'sidebar_content' AND `I18n__sidebar_content__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') LEFT JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`i18n` AS `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld` ON (`Store`.`id` = `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`model` = 'Store' AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`field` = 'disable_checkout_msg' AND `I18n__disable_checkout_msg__nld`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `url` = '' LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `StoreSetting`.`id`, `StoreSetting`.`key`, `StoreSetting`.`value`, `StoreSetting`.`type`, `StoreSetting`.`store_id` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`store_settings` AS `StoreSetting` WHERE `StoreSetting`.`store_id` = (13) | 14 | 14 | 0 | |
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SELECT `ShippingRate`.`id`, `ShippingRate`.`shippingmethod_id`, `ShippingRate`.`country`, `ShippingRate`.`floor`, `ShippingRate`.`ceiling`, `ShippingRate`.`criteria`, `ShippingRate`.`price` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`shipping_rates` AS `ShippingRate` WHERE `ShippingRate`.`shippingmethod_id` = (10) | 4 | 4 | 0 | |
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SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`store_id`, `Post`.`created`, (`I18n__title`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_title`, (`I18n__content`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_content`, (`I18n__slug`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_slug`, (`I18n__pagetitle`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_pagetitle`, (`I18n__description`.`content`) AS `Post__i18n_description` FROM `tbiback_tbshops`.`posts` AS `Post` INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__content` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__content`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__content`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__content`.`field` = 'content' AND `I18n__content`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__slug` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__slug`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__slug`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__slug`.`field` = 'slug' AND `I18n__slug`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__pagetitle` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__pagetitle`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`field` = 'pagetitle' AND `I18n__pagetitle`.`locale` = 'nld') INNER JOIN `tbiback_tbshops`.`post_i18ns` AS `I18n__description` ON (`Post`.`id` = `I18n__description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__description`.`model` = 'Post' AND `I18n__description`.`field` = 'description' AND `I18n__description`.`locale` = 'nld') WHERE `I18n__slug`.`content` = 'sjoelbakken-spelen-volgens-spelregels' AND `Post`.`store_id` = 13 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
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